Saturday, April 7, 2012


Grimm, B. G. (1812). Rumpelstiltskin. Germany: Grimm's Fairy Tales.

I love the short story of Rumpelstilskin. This is a classic story. This story was written by the Grimm brothers. It was first published in 1812. This story is a folk tale, fairy tale. This tale has been told for many years. The story is about a young girl who is made to spin straw into gold for a king. The girl cannot do this task. While she is locked away in the tower a strange creature comes to her and tells her if she trades him something he will spin the straw into gold. The girl agrees. The young girl then makes a horrible deal with this creature and most stand up for herself and beat him. This story is such a classic story and is told all over the world. The story has also been translated into every known language. The brothers Grimm were very famous writers. They are known for writing Cinderella, The Frog Prince, Hansel and Gretel, and Snow White. This story is age appropriate, it has very high quality illustrations and it does retain the oral tradition of the tale. There are many things you can do with your students using this traditional tale. You can have your students make up another ending to the story. By writing an essay. The students can then share their endings with the rest of the class. The students can also all participate in a play or skit of the classic tale. You can ask some questions about how the students feel about the story? Who do they see as the bad guy in the story, the young girl or the strange creature.What were their emotional responses after reading the story? Why do you think this story has stayed around for so many years? I have read many versions of this classic tale and I always love the books. The illustrations really make this story come to life. The strange creature is always different looking in every story. Sometimes he is terrifying! Other times he looks friendly! This is a classic story that will be around forever. 

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