Sunday, April 8, 2012

Tom's Tail

Jennings , L. J. (2003). Tom's tail. Wilton, CT: Tiger Tales. 

Tom's Tail was written by Linda Jennings. It was published in September 2003. This book is for ages three and up. This book is about Tom, a cute and playful pig, has a problem with his tail--he doesn’t like its curl. He wants to wag his tail like Sam the sheepdog, or swish his tail like Henry the horse. But because his tail is short and curly, he can’t. So, the other farm animals try to help solve his problem. And with the help of some mud, Tom’s tail becomes long and straight. But it’s also sharp! When Tom wags his tail, it pokes anyone standing by him. His brothers and sisters kick him out of the sty because they’re tired of being poked. In the middle of the night, as Tom’s sleeping outside, it begins to rain. Luckily the rain washes away the mud on Tom’s tail, making it soft and curly again! This book a animal fantasy picture book. The illustrations are just perfect. I loved looking at how detailed they were. The text and pictures work together in perfect harmony. The story follows all the needed curriculum for an animal fantasy. The setting is known. The story convinces the reader of the improbable. The story has compelling characters. There is a balance between the real and fantasy. Seeing as pigs do not talk. The teacher can read aloud this story to younger children and then ask them what they liked about the story. Also the children can make tails out of paper and colored pencils and then attach them with tape. The students can see how it would feel to have a tail. The teacher can ask them how they would feel if their tail was different from everyone else's. Also the teacher can have the class draw something that they worry about, that is different about themselves. The teacher can then give the students feedback about what it means to be different and that each and everyone of them is unique and special in their own way. The teacher can ask the students what was their emotional response to the book. Do they feel bad for Tom?  If so why? The author Linda Jennings is a well known children's author. She has written many children's books. She is also known for her Spooky pop up books. 

1 comment:

  1. Paige! I love how you set up your blog. I am definitely going to read this book in particular. It seems so cute! It would be perfect in the classroom! The illustrations seem very detailed and exciting for young children. This book kind of reminds me of Stellaluna in a way... what about you?
